Welcome |
Hello, this is the personal website of Adam Hoyle, an exceedingly tangential man based in and around London, England. It showcases most of Adam's collaborations and personal projects since around 2001.
Projects |
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Dogs of the AMS: The Mighty Wizard
Dogs of the AMS is a rock band put together to vanquish the evil Simon Cowbell and the Monsters he creates on the isle of Dr Waterman. This is their first single "The Mighty Wizard". Developed by Adam Hoyle and Julian Parry for Joe Ruddy.
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Ceramics that Adam made
Adam has been producing ceramics on and off in his spare time for many years. Now he has a tumblr site to showcase his ongoing work with clay, as shared on Instagram.
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RINGGG is a synaesthetic generative artwork created especially for iOS - iPhone, iPad and Touch iPod.
Use the built in controls to set up your perfect composition and then sit back, relax and enjoy RINGGG unfolding in front of your eyes. Developed by Julian Baker, Adam Hoyle and Nick Ryan for iPhone and iPad.
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BirdSong FM
BirdSongFM is a generative soundtrack inspired by an audio tape of birdsong from the Wiltshire garden of Digital One's chairman, which has been used as the test transmission for various digital radio stations since it's recording in the spring of 1992. Developed by Julian Baker and Adam Hoyle for iPhone.
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Burn Brothers
25th Century Electronic Reggae Sounds. Music produced by Adam Hoyle and Jean-Philippe Altier, featuring the words of Marc Matthews and Sax from Florian Brand. Tracks are released on the Berryfield Records netlabel.
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The Sancho Plan
The Sancho Plan create new interactive entertainment experiences for the 21st Century, combining Live Performances, Immersive Installations and Games.
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Soundtoys.net Navigator
We were commissioned by Soundtoys.net to produce an alternative way of exploring their vast archive of soundtoys and sonic resources. Users selected the tags they are interested in and the relevant resources visually cluster towards the centre, whilst also producing a unique soundscape. Developed by Julian Baker and Adam Hoyle for Soundtoys.net.
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Landlines Mapper
The Landlines Mapper produces a rich visualisation for the mapping data produced by the Landlines project, and works hand in hand with a google maps implementation. Developed by for Hamilton and Southern.
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Surrealist Poetry
This artwork takes RSS feeds from a number of news sources and, following the ideas of the surrealists, randomly re-arranges the words to provide interesting and occasionally provocative poems. Currently being sent live to the speakers corner dot matrix display on the hour, every hour. Developed by Adam Hoyle for The Media Centre.
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The Dark
A unique experience, The Dark gives you an opportunity to explore a specially created three-dimensional audio environment in which the echoes of virtual ghosts inhabit a haunted soundscape. Developed by Braunarts for Culture Online.
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An alternative internet browser, that searches on for images and sound online and then combines them together to create a unique experience for the end user.
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BBC Human Body 3D Jigsaw
Nominated for 2004 'Online Factual' BAFTA. Four part online 3D jigsaw covering organs, muscles, skeleton and nervous system. Created with the team at BBC iF&L Science.
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Antarctic Waves
Winner of 2002 'Offline Learning' BAFTA!
Antarctic Waves provides five different interfaces which allow players to create music by interacting, controlling and navigating through scientific data from the Antarctic. Created with the team at Braunarts.
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Doublecell: Nanobots
A collaboration with Mario Cavalli commissioned by Golan Levin for his doublecell project. Takes the concept of nanobots and creates a musical game for spectators to enjoy. Developed by colonymedia for Doublecell.
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Auto-Illustrator plugins
Signwave Auto-Illustrator is an experimental, semi-autonomous, generative software artwork and a fully functional vector graphic design application to sit alongside your existing professional graphic design utilities. Some demo suckmypixel plugins come with the software, but there are some additional suckmypixel plugins available on the auto-illustrator website. These include 'Instant Xeo' a plugin that makes plugins (:.
Developed by suckmypixel for Signwave.
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IdN Caffeine Society
Winner of 2001 D&AD Interactive & Digital Media Silver Award! An interactive playground to explore. Developed by StudioAKA for IdN.
Thanks to rob rae for designing the suckmypixel logo.